Asimina obovata - Bigflower pawpaw
Asimina obovata - Bigflower pawpaw
Life Cycle: Perennial
Soil Moisture: Dry, sandy, well draining
Sun Exposure: Full sun, partial shade
Height: up to 10’
Bloom Color: White
Bloom Time: late winter, spring
Fauna: Larval host for zebra swallowtail (Eurytides marcellus) and pawpaw sphinx (Dolba hyloeus). Fruit provides food for small mammals and birds. Pollinated by flies and beetles.
Planting Considerations: Bigflower pawpaw is found naturally occurring in sandhills, coastal dunes, scrub, dry hammocks and hardwood forests in north central and central Florida. It makes a beautiful addition to a mixed planting of grasses and wildflowers, as an accent shrub or small tree. Pawpaw does not transplant well so plan on planting it in its permanent location.
Field Notes: Native and endemic to Florida.
🌱 pots are 13” deep and 4” wide